Bonjour, On 2008-01-28 10:43:58 +0100, Christophe Martin wrote:
$ touch a b c d A B C D Z z $ ls | cat a A b B c C d D z Z
"ls -1" est plus élégant que "ls | cat": vin:~tmp/test> LC_COLLATE=fr_FR ls -1 a A b B c C d D z Z et au lieu de créer des fichiers, on peut utiliser sort: vin:~> printf "%s\n" a b c d A B C D Z z | LC_COLLATE=fr_FR sort a A b B c C d D z Z
quant à [\-~] C'est du délire total en français, par contre, sans traduction, ça marche bien. $ echo 'Aa b- c~ dZ' | env LC_ALL=C sed -e 's/[\-~]//g' A - Z $ echo 'Aa b- c~ dZ' | sed -e 's/[\-~]//g' Aa b- c dZ
Ça semble supprimer les caractères suivants: vin:~> perl -e 'for (32..126, 160..255) { printf "%3d <%c%c>\n", $_, $_, $_ }' | LC_COLLATE=fr_FR sed -e 's/[\-~]//' | grep ' <.>$' 35 <#> 37 <%> 38 <&> 43 <+> 92 <\> 94 <^> 96 <`> 126 <~> 168 <¨> 177 <±> 180 <´> La spécification donnée dans la page man regex(7): A bracket expression is a list of characters enclosed in `[]'. It normally matches any single character from the list (but see below). If the list begins with `^', it matches any single character (but see below) not from the rest of the list. If two characters in the list are separated by `-', this is shorthand for the full range of charac- ters between those two (inclusive) in the collating sequence, for example, `[0-9]' in ASCII matches any decimal digit. It is ille- gal(!) for two ranges to share an endpoint, for example, `a-c-e'. Ranges are very collating-sequence-dependent, and portable programs should avoid relying on them.
Si quelqu'un peut m'expliquer le rôle de la variable LANGUAGE (extension GNU), je suis preneur.
Je crois que l'unique but est de pouvoir définir une liste de langues. Ce n'est pas supporté par tout. "info libc" indique: This looks very familiar. With the exception of the `LANGUAGE' environment variable this is exactly the lookup order the `setlocale' function uses. But why introducing the `LANGUAGE' variable? The reason is that the syntax of the values these variables can have is different to what is expected by the `setlocale' function. If we would set `LC_ALL' to a value following the extended syntax that would mean the `setlocale' function will never be able to use the value of this variable as well. An additional variable removes this problem plus we can select the language independently of the locale setting which sometimes is useful. While for the `LC_xxx' variables the value should consist of exactly one specification of a locale the `LANGUAGE' variable's value can consist of a colon separated list of locale names. The attentive reader will realize that this is the way we manage to implement one of our additional demands above: we want to be able to specify an ordered list of language.
Dans le même genre de ç&é"!(çà"!è!è'"§!&"#(!§ç!&"à!ç§&@## en français il y a les nombres à virgule, et pas à point. On se fait tjrs avoir une fois ou deux avec awk (et perl ?) sur des nombres tels 1254.12 tronqués à 1254 car le système attendait, en français, 1254,12
Pour info, dans MPFR, on accepte les deux formes: la forme avec un point, et celle avec le decimal_point de la locale courante. -- Vincent Lefèvre <> - Web: <> 100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <> Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)